Watched it again.
Best movie of all time. Except for Aladdin. Aladdin is my all time fave since I was a kid. (Hush, I know I'm only eighteen, but I haven't been a kid for awhile.)
But anyway, that one word describes my thoughts right now.
I'm trying to plan, but I need to know more about my novel before I can start... but how do I know more about my novel if I don't plan?
Also, I'm a pantser at heart, and a perfectionist by nature. My first chapter is three scenes and the written out plan for it is... four? pages long. Maybe five. Yeah.
Also, need to figure out the organisation front for the Hunters... Thinking the name Biotech? But... is that too future-y for a book that's only set six years in the future?
And what the hell new tech will we have then? (Online Science journals, here I come.)
And I NEED TO CLEAN MY HOUSE. At least before NaNoWriMo, that way I can go into November without that distraction. And we now have no Television to distract me.
And Work and sleep are going to get in my way.
And... and... and... I don't know. I've had coffee. My fingers are moving faster than my thoughts. Well not really, but pretty fricking close. Or is it my fingers aren't moving fast enough, I don't know. Maybe I should ask Jezzy about getting everything done, she seems to handle bigger work loads better than I. Maybe.
Hell, I don't know. I kinda want to watch/read InuYasha again, I loved that. And I want to finish reading Fruits Basket and rewatch the Anime, but I don't remember where I left off in the manga and I don't really have much time between now and November. Maybe I could work that into my reward system for NaNoWriMo?
I have so many ideas I want to write, but my NaNoWriMo novel is taking up my entire head and giving me a headache because there are so many things that I DON'T KNOW. Gah!
Rant over.
HELP ME!!!!!! Please?
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