Sunday, October 14, 2012

Do The Speed Limit!!


So I was on my way from buying crafty things to make use of for my NaNo Swap thing and there was this guy doing THIRTY in a FORTY!

It's like, I get that you're old, but DO THE SPEED LIMIT!

I'm an angry driver.

Anyway, about the NaNo Swap.

I went overboard already, and I'm not sure I'm done. I used it as an excuse to buy crafty things like beads and stuff that I've been meaning to but hadn't found an excuse... Well this gave me an excuse and I'm not counting in the cost of those items. (Seriously, I've spent fifty bucks... but only like... MAYBE $10 a piece for the actual Swap stuff).

Well... I'd tell you what I got, but one of them MAY find this blog and I don't want to spoil what they're getting until they get it, so I will take pictures and post them once they are received, how about that?


I don't care. I'm doing it that way anyway.


I love my hat. It's GIR, and my Mommy made it for me. Lots of people recognized it. The mall was busy for a Sunday, and a grandma at Goodwill recognized it too!

I get so many looks in that hat. I was wearing all black, with white and silver shoes and a small black book bag with a BRIGHT GREEN hat!

Ah, I will have to, maybe, post a picture.

We'll see.



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