You can call me a Scrooge, or a Grinch, or a fuddy-duddy, or a party-pooper, or anything you want, but I hate Christmas Music.
Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas.
I love seeing family members I haven't seen since Last year (or in some cases, since Thanksgiving).
But seriously, can the Music not wait until AFTER Thanksgiving?
I work at Wal*Mart and we've started the Christmas Music already... two weeks ago.
The day's, or parts of days when there's no music are bliss.
It's not even the GOOD upbeat Christmas music, either, most of the songs are slowed down to like half speed, and there's only like twelve songs. And that's on a good day.
On Friday night/Saturday morning the music was off from ten pm to around three in the morning (right after my lunch). When the music started, it was down to half the number of songs. Apparently, it was REALLY cold outside that day.
And that song? I realized it was really about a man pressuring a woman into staying when she really doesn't want to... and she gives in to him at the end of the song. I was like whut? Is this the lesson we should be teaching our children?
My other complaint is "Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer" is not on that list of Christmas songs.
Good Day.
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